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Praemia REIM Italy SGR S.p.A. is an Asset Management Company with a mission to establish and manage real estate and financial investment funds (including private equity and credit funds).

The SGR places significant emphasis on sustainability factors and, with a view to defining a structured long-term approach, is undertaking various preparatory activities for the adoption of suitable internal measures and procedures in the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) domain. In this regard, the SGR has adopted a specific policy (the "ESG Policy") to outline the principles adopted for the progressive integration of ESG criteria into its organizational framework and in investment and risk management processes.

This ESG Policy complements, without imposing any limitations or impediments, the investment policies outlined in the Regulations of the funds currently managed. It serves as a programmatic document aimed at ensuring that investment activities, taken as a whole, are conducted in the best interests of fund subscribers, with the goal of increasing the long-term value and sustainability of investments while mitigating negative externalities.

The SGR, therefore, adopts a gradual approach to complying with the provisions, taking into consideration its activities and product development, in view of the completion of the relevant regulatory framework.
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This statement is provided by Praemia REIM Italy SGR S.p.A. (the "SGR") in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 regarding sustainability disclosure in the financial services sector (the "SFDR Regulation").

Specifically, the SFDR Regulation aims to reduce information asymmetry between financial intermediaries and end investors by harmonizing disclosure obligations related to the application of sustainability factors in investment activities.

For this purpose, informational obligations have been introduced both at the company level, concerning the adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability, and at the product level, which must be qualified based on their environmental and social characteristics.

This information must be provided on websites, in pre-contractual disclosure documents, and in periodic reports.

The information contained in the following disclosures represents the SGR's position with respect to the issues addressed by the SFDR Regulation, with the understanding that they may be subject to subsequent updates. 

The SGR hereby informs that, following the entry into force of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 (the "RTS") regarding technical regulatory standards that specify, among other things, the presentation of sustainability information on websites, it has updated the sustainability information on the Primonial RIEM Italy SGR website.

These updates, in addition to taking into account the innovations introduced by the RTS, reflect the evolution of the company's strategy regarding sustainability issues.

You can download the SFDR Articles below.
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